Sport Programmes

We offer the following programmes:


Fitness Instructor – Cathsseta Accredited

Learn to be flexible and diversify your teaching skills, with the basics of anatomy and exercise structure as well as the proper use of equipment and safety procedures


Sport & Recreation Leader – Cathsseta Accredited

A leadership programme where you will develop the skills on how to encourage participation in sport and recreation


Coaching Athletics For Youth and Junior Athletes – Cathsseta Accredited
The process of learning how to support and provide guidance to new young athletes


SP: Volunteer Safety Monitor – Cathsseta Accredited

This Qualification will facilitate the development of people who may be fulfilling the role of volunteer safety monitors, to learn the necessary skills and competencies to create a better life for all


Health & Safety – Cathsseta Accredited

learners will learn how to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of the workers.


First Aid – Cathsseta Accredited

Learner will skills to provide basic assistance to any person suffering a serious illness or injury



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